Join us July 17-20 for our 50th Anniversary Global Conference!

For 50 years, Perspectives programs around the world have been mobilizing the Body of Christ to strategic engagement in God’s global purpose. It’s time to celebrate all God has done, get further equipped as World Christian disciples, and anticipate what is to come!

Come connect with Perspectives alumni, staff, volunteers, partners and others from across the US and around the globe! You’ll hear from dynamic international speakers and gifted mobilizers, get equipped through a wide variety of engaging workshops, and engage in prayer, worship, and fellowship with our global brothers and sisters.

Momentum noun

  • a body in motion (p = mv)
  • strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events


We are THE Body of Christ in motion – fueled by prayer, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit, joining together with God in His Global Purpose.


James Mason

CEO of Perspectives USA


James Mason has served as CEO of Perspectives USA since 2012. Over the years, James has pastored several congregations, been involved in seeing a church planted in an unreached people group in West Africa, and served as Director of Recruiting for Frontier Ventures. As CEO of Perspectives USA, James focuses his efforts on organizational development to assure a strong ministry for decades to come. James and his wife Kelly have been married since 1990 and are blessed with 3 adult children.

Dr. Yvonne W. Huneycutt

Training and Communications,
Perspectives Global


Yvonne Huneycutt was mobilized into mission through a Perspectives class. She has served the Perspectives movement for over 30 years as class coordinator, regional director, instructor, author, and trainer, mostly in a volunteer capacity. Her varied career experience includes the corporate world, local church ministry, and managing a non-profit. 

Yvonne is on staff with Perspectives Global, serving national Perspectives programs worldwide. She holds a doctorate in missions and recently published Propelled by Hope, a book documenting the history of Perspectives and the Frontier Mission Movement.

Allan Matamoros

International Director of
PM International


A native of Costa Rica, Allan Matamoros gave his life to serve God in missions as a youth. He served in leadership roles with FEDEMEC (the first sending agency in Costa Rica) and COMIBAM, helping to transform Latin America from a mission field to a mission force. 


In 2004, Allan became the international director of PM International, a Latin American church planting and holistic mission focused on the Muslim world. More recently, he has been the board chairman for Vision 5:9, a global network of 180 mission agencies working together to share the love of Jesus with Muslims, and regional director with Partners International, a ministry devoted to work alongside ministries serving the unreached people and places of the world.

Bruce Koch

Director of Perspectives Global


Bruce Koch has served with Frontier Ventures (formerly the US Center for World Mission) since 1988. He has contributed to the Perspectives Study Program as a class coordinator, author, editor, and instructor. He is the director of the Perspectives Global Service Office which helps launch national Perspectives study programs in strategic settings and languages worldwide.

Dr. Jolene Erlacher

Professor and Author


Jolene grew up as a missionary kid in Latin America and is passionate about equipping the next generation to thrive in serving God globally. She has a doctorate in education and international leadership and currently teaches graduate leadership courses at several universities. She has been studying generational trends for over 15 years and has written several books including Mobilizing Gen Z: Challenges and Opportunities for the Global Age of Missions (William Carey Publishing), released in 2022. Jolene is also a speaker and consultant ( and works with mission agencies and other organizations on effectively engaging the next generation.

Rev. Dr. Shodankeh Johnson

Global Team Leader of
New Harvest Global Ministries


Rev. Dr. Shodankeh B. E. B. Johnson is a Sierra Leonean church leader with a passion for church planting, nurturing disciples, and empowering young people in leadership.


Johnson serves as Global Team Leader of New Harvest Global Ministries, an indigenous African evangelical ministry operating across seventeen countries in Africa and the Americas. In May 2023, he was awarded the prestigious William Wilberforce Award.


He is president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone and serves in executive roles with City Team USA and Final Command USA. He also co-founded Every Nations Ministries International.


Johnson holds a master’s degree in Missiology and has been awarded an honorary Doctor of Letters for his significant contributions to the field.

Dr. Pam Arlund

Co-Editor of
Perspectives 5th Edition


Pam Arlund, PhD is the Co-Editor of Perspectives 5th Edition and has instructed hundreds of Perspectives classes. She has been a linguist, church planter, and bible translator with All Nations International for more than 25 years. She previously served in Central Asia where she helped ignite movements to Christ among several previously unreached Muslim people groups.

Rev. Reuben Kachala

Mission Mobilizer with
Frontier Missions International


Rev. Reuben Kachala is an ordained minister with the Malawi Assemblies of God and a mission mobilizer with Frontier Missions International (FMI). He is also a founding chair for Malawi Evangelical Mission Association (MEMA).


In 2021 Reuben launched Perspectives Malawi, serving as national team leader. 


Reuben is passionate about turning Malawi from a mission field into a mission force for God’s glory.

Dr. Steve Hawthorne

Co-Editor of Perspectives


Steve Hawthorne serves as a mission mobilizer, helping increase practical passion for Christ’s glory among all peoples. 


He co-edited, with Ralph D. Winter, the course and book called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement


During the late 1980’s Hawthorne organized a series of ethnographic research expeditions with several teams, living and learning among unreached peoples in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. 


He holds a PhD in mission theology from Fuller Seminary’s School of Intercultural Studies. 


He continues to work with Perspectives study programs in many parts of the world. 

Matthew Ellison

President of Sixteen:Fifteen


Matthew’s life was transformed at 23 when he was rescued by Jesus. Shortly after, he took his first mission trip to Ghana, which changed his life, igniting his passion for global missions. He attended Calvary of Albuquerque’s School of Ministry, then served as Missions Pastor for nine years. For the past 20 years, he has served as Founder and President of Sixteen:Fifteen, where he coaches churches and mission agencies nationwide in strategic engagement of God’s global mission to all people!

Ed McManness

General Director of Frontier Ventures


Ed serves as the General Director of Frontier Ventures. Of the many things he does at Frontier Ventures, his desire is to see global leaders create space to be present to God and care for the deep longings of their souls as mission expression. Ed is married to Joan. They spent 13 years living in Indonesia where they raised their 3 children. Ed has a master’s in education and has done post-graduate work at Fuller Seminary and the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies.

Conference Details

Date & Location:
July 17-20, 2024 at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL

All-access conference tickets include dinner on July 18, 19, & 20. Additional meals are not included. There are places to purchase meals on the Moody campus, as well as many additional options within walking distance.

Planning your trip to Chicago:
To assist in planning your trip to Chicago, we’ve created a resource with several travel, lodging, and dining options to consider.



Ready to Register?

Send a Global Leader!

Perspectives programs are in are now over 40 countries and 9 languages around the globe and we want those program leaders to join us for this momentous event. Our goal is to help at least 150 global leaders to attend, and your generous gift can help make that possible!

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